Pdf pdf duns scotus on the reality of selfchange, in selfmotion from aristotle to newton, edited by marylouise gill and jim lennox, princeton university press 1994, 227290. Duns scotus, ordinatio, prologue, part 1, quaestio unica extracts question. Frank, allan bernard wolter 1995 duns scotus, metaphysician. In on being and cognition, the first complete translation into english of a pivotal text in the history of philosophy and theology, scotus addresses fundamental issues concerning the limits of human knowledge and the nature of cognition by developing. Univocity in scotuss quaestiones super metaphysicam.
Pdf common natures and metaphysics in john duns scotus. Leonardo sileo in occasione della festa in onore del beato giovanni duns scoto del 10 novembre 2015. Rarely referred to as plain john duns, usually referred to by the byname duns scotus, john duns scotus is a lesserused amalgam of the two and no more his real name than duns scotus so. An editor of scotus philosophical works, she has also edited works by. Blessed john duns scotus, latin given name joannes, byname doctor subtilis, born c. If i have omitted something especially useful, please let me know. John duns scotus 1265668 was one of the most important and influential philosophertheologians of the high middle ages.
The philosophy of john duns scotus antonie vos download. An ordinatio is a text that has been ordered or edited for publication. Quaestiones super lobros metaphysicorum aristotelis, ix, q. Selected bibliography on the ontology of john duns scotus. Duns scoto, giovanni dio appunto di filosofia sul pensatore francescano del xiv secolo duns scoto offre una nuova prova dellesistenza di dio, reinterpretazione dellargomento anselmiano. It is sometimes difficult to correlate a passage from these translations back to the latin critical edition, so i also.
Duns scotus and edith stein on individuality and individuation problem carmen cozma francesco alfieri, ofm. Whether the angel merited blessedness before receiving it num. Whether it was necessary for man in this present state that some doctrine be supernaturally inspired. Scotus ordinatio is his revision of the lectures he gave as a bachelor at oxford, transcribed as the lectura. Whether between the creation and blessedness of the good angel there was any interval num. Ioannes duns scotus, qui doctor subtilis dicitur natus ut videtur in oppido duns vicecomitatus bervicensis circa annum 1266. Ac ta congressus scotistici internationalis oxonii e t edimburgi 1117 sept. We find recorded the chaldeobabylonian idea of an evolution of the universe out of the primeval flood or great deep, and of the animal creation out of the earth and sea scotus erigena and. But there are some useful resources available that are not. John duns scotus the possibility of the incarnation. Common natures and metaphysics in john duns scotus 557 trine of the common nature, is indeed the part of his thought which gets closer to the most daring endeavours of. Duns scotus, along with thomas aquinas and william of ockham, was one of the three most talented and influential of the medieval schoolmen, and a highly original and creative thinker. A detailed analysis of the principium individuationis entails a systematic examination of scotus ordinatio and quaestiones super libros metaphysicorum quaestio.
Duns scotus, ordinatio, prologue, part 1, quaestio unica. The solution to a riddle giorgio pini scotuss questions on the metaphysics have always exerted a special fascination on scholars. Authorsduns scotusordinatioordinatio i the logic museum. A latin text in which medieval author john duns scotus discusses on the elements. Pdf giovanni duns scoto una introduzione bibliografica. The presence of duns scotus in the thought of edith stein. Introduction the life and works of john duns the scot we know very little with certainty about the details of scotuss life and the chronology of his writings, and the evidence and arguments. Controversy between philosophers and theologians num. The initial revision was probably begun in the summer of 0 see the remarks in question 2 that apparently allude to the battle of homs in 1299, news of which probably reached oxford in the summer of 0.
From these several discussions a picture of scotuss theory of the singular essence will. This book provides a comprehensive overview of the life and works of john duns scotus, arguably one of the most significant philosophertheologians of the middle ages. John duns scotus stanford encyclopedia of philosophy. According to a decree of april 1st 1272, the faculty of arts of the university of paris imposed to its own members not to debate or determine any theological issues and it pointed out that if. The ordinatio of blessed john duns scotus prologue first part page 23 on the necessity of revealed doctrine single question.
Duns scoto uno scozzese, e che dallaltro lato blessed john duns scotus, holding a scroll with a paraphrase of his doctrine about how the immaculate conception ties in with the absolute. Peter king, in the cambridge companion to john duns scotus, edited by thomas williams, cambridge university press 2003, 1568. The question of the principium individuationis in the writings of duns scotus. The question of the principium individuationis in the. But there are some useful resources available that are not easily stumbled across, so i thought there might be some use to this collection of links.
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